NOTE: SAT 11th November, 2017 will be 'Pocky Day!'
There are very few of us who have not been impacted by Sesame Street in our childhood years. So, it only makes sense that Sesame Street Day was created to celebrate the tremendous influence that this maverick television program has had upon our lives.
Sesame Street day was first established in 2009 to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of its original broadcast. While initiated in New York, it should come as no great surprise that this occasion is now recognized by tens of thousands of individuals from around the world. In fact, the number of followers continues to grow each year.
Commemorating Sesame Street Day has no real conventions; you can choose to celebrate it as you see personally fit. You might wish to relive your youth by watching old episodes or instead head to the local toy store and pick out your favourite Muppet. Either way, Sesame Street Day is a true celebration of our childhoods!
Sesame Street day was first established in 2009 to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of its original broadcast. While initiated in New York, it should come as no great surprise that this occasion is now recognized by tens of thousands of individuals from around the world. In fact, the number of followers continues to grow each year.
Commemorating Sesame Street Day has no real conventions; you can choose to celebrate it as you see personally fit. You might wish to relive your youth by watching old episodes or instead head to the local toy store and pick out your favourite Muppet. Either way, Sesame Street Day is a true celebration of our childhoods!
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