NOTE: Tue 3rd October, 2017 will be 'Boyfriend's Day!'
"Unfortunately, many people do not think about naming their cars. Name Your Car Day has been set aside especially for those of you who may have forgotten this little ritual.
It’s very common for people to name their boats so why is it that some people forget to name their car? Let’s face it, our cars do a lot for us and many of us would be lost without them so why not take the time to think of a good name for your daily companion. If it weren’t for him/her how would you get to work? How would you go shopping? How would you take the kids to soccer practice?
Yes, they are always there for us whenever we need them. Who could ask for more dependability than this.
On Name Your Car Day take the time to choose a name that your car will be proud of."
It’s very common for people to name their boats so why is it that some people forget to name their car? Let’s face it, our cars do a lot for us and many of us would be lost without them so why not take the time to think of a good name for your daily companion. If it weren’t for him/her how would you get to work? How would you go shopping? How would you take the kids to soccer practice?
Yes, they are always there for us whenever we need them. Who could ask for more dependability than this.
On Name Your Car Day take the time to choose a name that your car will be proud of."
#sharpharmade #bearheartbottomsetc #nameyourcarday #seniorcitizensday