NOTE: FRI 20th October, 2017 will be 'Suspender's Day!'
It haunts and affects every aspect of our daily living, whether you’re looking to get a loan for a car or house, and these days even if you’re applying for employment, your credit score can have incredibly negative effects on your life. Get Smart About Credit Day encourages you to take control of this very important aspect of your life and learn how to manage it properly. There will come a day when it may be incredibly important that you maintain a proper credit score, and be able to hold your head high when your accounts are checked.
History of Get Smart About Credit Day
Get Smart About Credit Day was established by the ABA (American Bankers Association) to help encourage young people to get a handle on their credit from the very beginning. By educating people on the forms of credit and how to properly increase, manage, and protect your credit score, they ensure that the coming generation will have smart investors who are able to improve their lot in life without being buried in debt.
To shed some light on the severity of the situation, one need only look at the average American household and the debt that they hold. It is not at all uncommon for American households to have over $15k in credit card debt alone, not including student loans ($49k), auto loans ($28k) and homes that often are in the range of $170-$175k.
Every year this debt only continues to rise, and that’s why it became imperative that the ABA begin educating people everywhere on how to protect themselves from the destructive force that is financial debt. Presentations and instructional documents on how to ensure that families have a secure financial future are their stock and trade. Get Smart About Credit Day is your opportunity to join this movement and get educated on securing your credit for the future.
How to celebrate Get Smart About Credit Day
Get Smart About Credit Day is best celebrated by going to visit your financial adviser and beginning the path of identifying your present financial circumstances. From there you can research the foibles of handling credit and building a solid foundation to build your financial future on, and the ABA is a great place to start looking into it. The future of you, your children, and the inheritance you will share with your family are all built on the back of financial security. Get Smart About Credit Day is a great opportunity to begin.
History of Get Smart About Credit Day
Get Smart About Credit Day was established by the ABA (American Bankers Association) to help encourage young people to get a handle on their credit from the very beginning. By educating people on the forms of credit and how to properly increase, manage, and protect your credit score, they ensure that the coming generation will have smart investors who are able to improve their lot in life without being buried in debt.
To shed some light on the severity of the situation, one need only look at the average American household and the debt that they hold. It is not at all uncommon for American households to have over $15k in credit card debt alone, not including student loans ($49k), auto loans ($28k) and homes that often are in the range of $170-$175k.
Every year this debt only continues to rise, and that’s why it became imperative that the ABA begin educating people everywhere on how to protect themselves from the destructive force that is financial debt. Presentations and instructional documents on how to ensure that families have a secure financial future are their stock and trade. Get Smart About Credit Day is your opportunity to join this movement and get educated on securing your credit for the future.
How to celebrate Get Smart About Credit Day
Get Smart About Credit Day is best celebrated by going to visit your financial adviser and beginning the path of identifying your present financial circumstances. From there you can research the foibles of handling credit and building a solid foundation to build your financial future on, and the ABA is a great place to start looking into it. The future of you, your children, and the inheritance you will share with your family are all built on the back of financial security. Get Smart About Credit Day is a great opportunity to begin.
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